Tuesday, September 23, 2008

With thighs like these...

I felt it a good time to reflect upon an untouched problem of the modern woman. By now you should know my obsession with clothing organization books: coordination, what should be in a wardrobe, what colors look good on you, shapes - yes, closet self help. Every time I go to a book store, that is my first stop.

So far through my extensive skimming, there's never been a comment on how pants should fit around the thighs. I generally try to get pants with little stretch in them since more spandex allows my thighs to look like packs of polenta. Does that necessarily make less stretch better? I give a new definition to the term "sausage packing." It's always "fitted through the leg..." What the heck is fitted through the leg suppose to mean anyway?

I think I would have little trouble finding support for saying that thighs are definitely one of the more variable parts of a woman's body. They have a size of their own. mine are probably about a size 2, they'd fit most comfortably in a size 4, unfortunately I'm a size 0 everywhere else and while I know that tailors can take in waists: 1.) that's hella expensive 2.) there's no telling how it's going to look when they're done. I've been toying with the idea of getting a pair of wide legs and having the legs taken in. I'm not too sure on how that will work out, but at least the thighs will fit.

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