Friday, September 5, 2008

Dress like you mean it

I hear that when it comes to being a teacher dress is a sensitive subject. We definitely have to keep our wardrobe in line because our clothing choices affect the students ability to respect us, take us seriously, and it may also become the topic of some non-flattering conversation. That's too much to contend with in the classroom and we haven't touched on curriculum.

In talking with a few acquaintances of mine, I discovered that they were both teachers and they, upon discovering that I was studying to be a teacher, just delved in and gave me the straight talk on how to go about social order in the classroom. Don't smile, don't try to be their friends, when you walk in - mean business. I don't know if I'm taking it to an extreme, but I thought for the first few weeks in school, I would wear nothing but black. It'll put the many various pairs of black trousers I bought to use. I'll also be quiet and expressionless.

I tend to have an expressionless look on my face most of the time. Oddly enough, when I try to smile, I look mad angry. I'm a fairly quiet person.

I recently started my Analytical Chemistry lab and my TA came in wearing a lab coat. I was extremely intimidated. suppose it shows that I'm not above any high school mentality to judge someone by their clothes. When I told him that, he said not to worry, he's a nice guy, just quiet. I've been working on my aura of intimidation for a while - turns out, all I need is a lab coat.

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