Thursday, August 5, 2010

"not wanting" is the key to success

So, I'm rather irritated right now. I can't find my camera adapter cord and it's hidden somewhere in one of the many cars that happen to reside at my house in San Antonio. It's like an annoying version of the price is right. For now, I'll just make do until I can ask someone for it, after all it is 3:20am and really, I want it just to have it on me.


currently I'm quite content with my clothing situation, save a few side projects I need to finish. After having read Amanda Lee's article on doing more with the clothes you have, I got the final push to finish organizing my closet. I tackled my ironing, any clothes that needed to be folded and laundered. Truthfully, at some point I was afraid that even with all the new alterations (additional hanging rack, newly finished dresser, shelf for my sweaters) to my closet I still wouldn't be able to fit everything in. I seriously have a lot of clothes. After going through that ordeal, I found it kind of ridiculous to want to buy more clothes. Sure, there are a few things I still need (black button-down, black heels, black sweater) and a few things I want (turquoise pencil skirt), I'm just considerably less motivated to actively seek out and spend money on things when I have a full closet.


amandalee said...

Ahh, you're too sweet! Thanks for the link. You should post images when the organization is complete. :-D

Christine said...

Oh, thanks a bunch! I'm actually quite proud of how my closet looks right now.