Thursday, March 25, 2010

Woo! Flea Markets!

So, like I said, it was SXSW last week. Big music event, Carniville, SWAG, you name it! Oh, and cold weather, that was a bit of a downer.

Anywho, guess what else made an appearance? The American Apparel Flea Market! (For some reason I'm of the impression that this only excites college students.) Apparently, it's a traveling flea market that sets up in a giant's odd, but what the hey - American Apparel, at a discount, why not? I took the liberty of buying some sweat socks there since my only pair is developing holes. I also got some really cool leg warmers. I found a rather nice track jacket that reminded me of my quest for a red leather/pleather/pvc/vinyl jacket to complete my Michael Jackson "Beat It" look. It was only $15 so I didn't have too much to lose.

Seriously, I feel like a bad mama jama

It's my favorite light jacket now. Sometimes you just never know with these things. It looks awesome when I'm dancing. It has this really cool MJ, Bruce Lee, Kill Bill feel to it.

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