Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Post here, why don't you? Good + Bad

Howdy! You know what is depressing? While I thought I was behind on some of my own blogs, I look at some of the blogs I follow only to find that they haven't written in months or made notes of needed sabbaticals times, there is reason to step out of the blogosphere matrix and deal with issues in the real world. Life happens, and admittedly, it can suck some times.

Anyway, time for the good and the bad. The bad first:

The New York Times is putting a limit on the number of articles outside of the front page articles that internet users can access. It was only a matter of time, I suppose. Twenty (20) articles in one month! How am I suppose to keep up with the outside world?

Good news:

After running up my NYTimes quota, I went to my sisters house and used her computer and everything is fine and dandy. Among cooler things, I came across this. The New York Times is soliciting photos of peoples street style. Each week, they'll pick pictures based off of a certain theme. I'm personally looking forward to seeing Texas summer street style. What have I discovered? Unless there's an unseasonable cold front, you almost completely cannot wear a scarf during the summer.

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