Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Greener Surprises

Howdy! I'm currently in Houston for professional development. Internet is crap and I'm utilizing my last life line (time amount undetermined) to post a blog.

My friend had a birthday a few weeks ago. Currently my wrapping paper is stored in the closet of eternal falling hazards. So, I was tempted to go my found-brown-paper-and-colorful-ribbon route, but a more convenient solution presented itself.

Observe how Mr. Panda and Barry are admiring my handy work. Now, I like purchasing scarves and handkerchiefs like nothing. Often times at thrift stores and estate sales, scarves and such are very inexpensive, hence, the development of my surplus.

Since I frequent allkpop, I recall coming across an article where YooNa was advertising for Innisfree handkerchiefs and their usefulness, one of the tips was using it to wrap presents. It's certainly a more green option and it reduces waste. I don't even have to support a specific brand and it's so easy to find different patterns. There are size limitations to the gifts, but packaging is all a part of the charm.

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