Monday, March 24, 2014

2014: 'ssues

First post of the year and it's near the end of March.

Been meaning to do a lot, but overall I haven't done as much as I had hoped for. As such, this blog has sort of fallen into the realm of a journal that I look at occasionally that a lot of people come across because their skirts are probably too tight (yep, still most viewed). I've been having some changing opinions about that posting.

I just haven't been buying clothes a lot. Part of it is that year I took off from buying clothes. That really curbed my impulse control with the realization that the only thing I will die if I do not get is food. Consequently, my cooking blog is pretty well maintained. The next thing is my shtick on buying fair trade, when you cut down your options you can only stay interested for so long, heck, you can only online window shop for so long. What struck a chord with me the most, was last year's Black Friday and the massive increase in deaths related to it. 2012 lesson not learned. The idea that clothes that cost relatively little to make, that people would literally go crazy for over in stores, could cost people their lives really did not sit well with me. I wouldn't want my life dictated in that way just like I wouldn't like arranging my life around a TV guide. I know it seems like whining, but I bet none of the people who died knew it was coming.

The last thing that gets to me, especially with the upcoming gubernatorial elections in Texas is the idea that feminists shouldn't care about clothes. It's tough being a woman and feeling that you shouldn't be judged for your clothing choices, but knowing that you are. I like watching What Not to Wear for the psychological element of it all, the idea of clothes being functional and a carrier for enjoyment. I do enjoy my clothes and I like playing dress up with my clothes and coming up with fun outfits, but I would prefer to not get any outside attention for them - I recognize the irony in having a blog that talks about clothing. Essentially, I'm my own dress up doll. I like being a dress up doll too, I just need to make more time for that kind of play and boy, is it time consuming.

I'm having trouble allocating my efforts on the issues I care about. I only have so much energy. I'm aiming to do a lot of figuring out this year.

Well, to everyone's health! Hopefully 2014 will be a productive year.

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