Thursday, July 19, 2012

Timing Down Until the Close of Betsey Johnson


All of the Betsey Johnson Stores in Texas are officially closed. That's a bit of a depressing thought. I'd say about 95% of the time, if you'd go into the store, it would be cheaper than what is online, but now the internet is really the only option.

Betsey Johnson closing I've approached with the thought "wow, I may just be buying a piece of history." There's also something nice about buying something cool and when people ask you "where did you get it?" you know they won't be able to imitate.

I shall post up pictures of my finds later as this is a time sensitive posting. There are only three more days until July 22nd when everything officially closes. The website is odd, I know that. You click on all the links and at most one or two items show up. I'm not sure the reason for this, but what I do know is that they still have items available on their online eBay outlet, so why not on the website?

If you go to the search on the Betsey Johnson homepage and type in...oh "dress" or "skirt" there will be a full grid of what is still available which is definitely a lot more than what is showing up from the links.

Have at it. Buy something nice. Wear it proud. Betsey Johnson Store

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