Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So, we're now embarking upon probably the most expensive month of the year. Am I ready for it? Gift shopping is hard.

In 25 days I can go back to buying clothes. The past year has been pretty interesting fighting back in impulse to just buy a pair of pants. I don't know if I'm going to go on a mad shopping spree come New Years. First, I go back to work on Jan. 2nd (blows, I know); secondly, the point of the last year was so that I wouldn't go on mad shopping sprees and end up accumulating clothes that I don't wear. I've passed up a fair number of pretty awesome sales coming to terms with what the inevitable outcome would be. There will always be sales. They're not as once-in-a-lifetime as they seemed before. Once New Years comes, I'm going to buy:

- socks
- underwear
- white shirts by Tresics
- pair of cotton trousers
- pair of jeans
- and a little black dress

I'm looking forward to a more sensible year. I'm hoping for some sensibility this Christmas.

If I could go back in time and let myself know a few things, I'd say:

- don't start developing a lot of your professional wardrobe in college because you're still under enough stress that it keeps your weight down.
- even if you feel that your body won't change in certain areas to where you can invest in certain pieces, don't - somehow, your shoulders get more broad.
- you buy a lot of skirts you don't wear
- don't buy clothes you don't have the money for
- don't buy clothes
- most of the time, your feet are not a size 8

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