Sunday, October 9, 2011

Birthday Blues

My birthday was last Monday. It was considerably unstellar. If you could imagine painting a car with dull paint, taking it out on a drive and crashing it, that was my happy birthday.

Generally I never look forward to my birthday just because I want to anticipate at least a decent day and it's always hard to meet that expectation. Sophomore year of high school is still, by far the best birthday I've ever had. I came to the lunch table to find that it was covered with presents. What happened was the year before, everyone had missed my birthday because I didn't bother mentioning when my birthday was until the day after. My friends had then put my birthday on their calendars and waited out the year vowing not to miss it again. It wasn't so much the presents that made it great as much as not only the thought that my friends had been planning this for a year, but also that it was kind of out of revenge for the previous year. Future, top that.

Really now, I'm turning 26 this year, and more and more, part of me feels that I can't continue to dress in a certain fashion and that I should "dress like a 26 year old" whatever that means. I think this thought mainly applies to dressing younger. Part of me feels that over layering can be young. I've always wanted to wear shorts and a blazer. I imagine there's a safe approach and a quirky approach. Who says that quirky has to be young though? I suppose I'm saying it. Along with my perceived maturation (I still look like a high schooler), I suppose I have to mature my quirkiness too.

One thing I'm having trouble adapting is wearing scarves in a Kelly style fashion. It's hard to make it look like I'm not wearing a hijab.


..... said...

Your blog is absolutely cool to read. Partly because you've maintained a blog on a somewhat consistent basis (Something I have yet to do), and a lot of the stuff you write about I can relate to.


Christine said...

Awwe, thank you. I'm aiming for a consistent two weeks but man, it is hard. Thanks for commenting :)