Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I have to say, this is probably one of those pictures that would make my boyfriend scream like a girl.

This was years ago...I think I might have still been in high school actually. In all honesty, looking at it now and having seen tons of Asian pop stars cross dress as well, I have to say this kind of freaks me out. I do kind of...yes...look like a boy. I look like a school boy. A disheveled school boy. This was my sisters idea.

Part of this was an attempt to exaggerate qualities that I thought were overtly male: looking like I don't care, relaxed posture (because face it, when my posture is good, I have a chest), and having too much gel in my hair. Essentially, drag king-ing it. This does not seem too different from looking at a picture of a long haired Asian boy and just knowing that "I know it's a boy."

Personally, I don't think I look too bad as a boy and ironically enough, my hotornot male photo got a higher score than my female picture. Go figure.

I like menswear: however, cross dressing is not one of the primary concepts behind menswear for women. Women have to feminize and tone down the sharp lines because after all, we have curves. This was just straight up curiosity. And once was enough for me.

I like being a girl. There are just more ways to be cute and I don't have to think about being cool all the time.

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