The ones that got away (happy ending)
I remember my English teacher back in high school reading us a poem...I think it was by Robert Frost, it was about a man who was in pursuit of a deer. After the deer managed to get away from him many times, he slumped down, depressed. He had given up, and then the deer approached him.
I wasn't too keen on analogies then as I am now. My teacher related that it was a poem about playing hard-to-get.
Speaking of hard to get:
Let me introduce to you the After Dinner T-Straps no longer available at Anthropologie. I have a general policy of not buying shoes that I can't try on unless there is a good return policy. Needless to say, Anthropologie has a return policy which is good enough for me. On the day these were brought to my attention in a meaningful way, I had also seen a sweater vest I was interested in on the website and I decided before anything, I should just go down to the store and try on the vest to see if I'd really be that interested in it. I would not want to spend the extra money on shipping if I didn't have to. I go there and it turns out, they don't have my size in the vest. I lurk around some. ( I bought the Vaego dress - never try on anything just for fun or you might find that you just can't take it off.) Earlier at my apartment, I looked at the vest and I search through the sale section on shoes, just to see if they'd have anything I'd like and when I searched in my size - the After Dinner T-straps showed up. NO FREAKING WAY! There's never a cool pair of shoes in my size, $69.95, down from $138. However, to not incure more shipping charges (expensive, mind you) I decided to go to the store first to see if I was truly interested in that vest. When I got home, the shoes were sold out, and I went frantic.
Times like these when practicality turns into "what was I thinking? There was a return policy, I had nothing to lose." After much sulking, I resolved myself - I shouldn't be buying 3" heels anyway, I'm not sure when I'd wear them...and so forth. I was fine, irritated, but fine. About a week later when searching in my size again after a new notice had popped up of more items going on sale at the site, there they were again! "REDEMPTION!" maybe some luck too. I didn't wait, I purchased them fast along with the vest that was in my size that I eventually returned. Life doesn't give me many of these opportunities.
New lesson learned: If you see something you want, and there's a return policy, you really have nothing to lose save $13 to satisfy that burning curiousity
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