I've always been of the impression that style is about how you choose to do things and carry yourself.
A little less than a month ago, I was at the DSW warehouse. On my phone I had a picture of a pair of shoes that I was hoping had gone on sale. I feel I came out of the store with something much more valuable. First let me say that the shoes were not there. What I did overhear was a conversation between a daughter and her mother. Apparently, the girl had been shopping for shoes for prom, at the point that the conversation reached my ears (yes, reached. It was not me eaves dropping as much as it was that anyone else could not help but hear the argument) the mother had told her daughter that she'll just have to buy her own pair of shoes or wear something that she has at home. Daughter, friend in tow, went to go sulk in another section. The mother related to her friend how ridiculous it was that kids were willing to settle for shoes that they could barely walk in. Mother's friend comments that it's the style of the day. Mother lays down the law in saying that she doesn't want her daughter to go to prom looking like a slut. Word. Mother further comments that the look is too "mature" and Maddie is only 13!!!
13? Slutty shoes? Prom? Just when I thought that kids had too many rights and too much control over their parents, this woman, who I contemplated complimenting, lays it all out. There's hope for the future.