and now for the kicker: I returned it the next day. I didn't know why I felt the urge to just go in a clothing store and try on something just for fun. That's not how the world works. All I do know was that after having bought the skirt, I felt so bad that I had to return it the next day, I didn't even take it out of the tissue that it was wrapped in.
It is a nice skirt, don't get me wrong. It looked good on me, but that led me to a revelation: lots of things look good on me. It's the anti-problem problem. Since lots of things look good on me, it's easy to buy clothes relentlessly without ever wearing them. After having bought this skirt, I raced home and pulled out every black skirt I owned. Yes, they all looked good, but more so, the gave off the same overall effects that this skirt gave off. The skirt was not worth breaking a new years resolution over. When I returned it, it turned out that both of the sales staff owned the skirt and the other one was wearing it behind the counter. You know...I hate repeat performances when it comes to clothing. The returning made me feel even better.
So, it takes about 2 years to get a good new years resolution down. The first year to to find out that you can keep a small resolution while the second year, the approach is a guilt trip when you feel like breaking your resolutions because you know by that time that you can keep resolutions and anything else you say or do is just an excuse. The big resolutions finally matter.