In reading it, there was a mention of keeping a log, or book or places that have unique sales at certain times of the year, places where you find clothes that fit you. It reminded me of this thrift store journal I got for my mom on Christmas. It had a section for the name of the store and the various things you bought there.
When it comes to me and vintage stores, I've felt that my purchasing something there was usually a one time event, but I suppose my ability to buy something from there is a reflection that they stock the kinds of items I would buy...vintage store owners have their own style after all.
I think adopting a shopping journal is a rather smart idea. As is the idea of not settling for substitutes. I know that I like to get my cardigans from Victoria Secret. More and more I'm finding that I can't find many cardigans that are up to par that I wear on a regular basis. These fit me the best. I like the feel and the material.
It really makes me wonder why I search elsewhere when I know where to get exactly what I want. Now, most of these cardigans are sort of discontinued. There is always eBay. I can sometimes rely on chance that the sweater I'm looking for will appear.